
Student/Parent view assigned counselor


Student/Parent view assigned counselor

Are students and parents able to see the student's assigned counselor?  If so, where is it hiding and/or do we need to turn a feature on to make it visible?


Our admin and teachers can click on the counselor icon to see the assigned counselor.  But we'd like to help families more efficiently find this information. We use PowerSchool SIS.  I have searched high and low but can't find the answer...  We user tested with students and they can't see who their assigned counselor is.



6 Replies
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @kelceyedwards


Parents/Students can view the Counselor assigned to the student on the Class Registration page. Please refer to this document: Class registration to know the steps to follow.



Jyotishka B.
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How do we change/add counselors to the list of available counselors?


There's a "Group Function" called "Mass Assign Counselor" which was buried in the drop-down menu beneath the "Current Student Selection" box on the home screen.  We selected the relevant students and then assigned them to the counselor.  Now what I don't know is... how PowerSchool knew those people were the counselors.  So, not sure if that role was associated with them by our IT department or whether they picked their names from an available list of teachers. 

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Someone with appropriate admin privileges has to add the role of counselor in the security settings for a staff member. Start page --> Staff --> search for staff member --> Security Settings. Then go to Admin Access and Roles and edit the school. Assign the role of Counselor. Once that role is assigned, that staff member will appear in the list of counselors that can be selected.

DK Hipkins, Ed.S.
Director of Educational Technology
Korea International School Jeju

Is there a field I can "Quick Export" (using a selection of students) to see who is assigned to each of the Counselors? i.e. export to an Excel file.




Nevermind.  I found it.

There is a new Dat tag



I found it in this document