I am trying to manually enroll students in courses. Any idea how I can resolve the following error message?
"Unable to create section enrollment record in database (section=2PEH811.2, id=54960)"
Thank you!
Check the Year/Term you have selected.
I have 24-25 year set as the term. The student has 4 core classes scheduled. I am trying to add their electives. When I go to do it manually with the check boxes, or lock the core and use automated schedule it lets me select the correct courses, hours, and terms everything looks good. Then I hit 'Accept' an receive the listed error for each class.
I am having the same problem. Were you able to correct this?
I didn't correct it, but we did solve the problem. Our district powerschool coordinator had not fully set up the 'entire calendar for the year' (they did not give me details). Once they did that, my changes began to take.
Yes make sure both the calendar and reporting terms are setup for the entire year. Too many people think Years and Terms are sufficient.
I just found this conversation via a search because I am having the same issue...
What are the steps taken to fix this because I am running into this error when I make a manual change , S1 worked fine but I cannot get the student enrolled into the course for S2 (it's a yearlong course). I've checked our calendar and reporting terms and all seems to be well but I still cannot enroll the student into the necessary section.
@carolinem20 Your issue doesn't sound the same at all. When you did the 2024-2025 schedule last summer, did you schedule for the entire year? Are those sections that were loaded into PowerSchool/PowerScheduler showing up? In the end of your last sentence, it sounds like you are trying to add students to a class.
Yes, I scheduled for the entire year over the summer. The same error message showed up as this person's and their issue sounded the same, hence the comment.
With the schedule change, I was able to add them to S1 Part I of the course but cannot add their S2 Part II course to their schedule because the same error message came up for the person that started this original thread....
I guess I should start my own thread on this issue then?
I know you mentioned the calendar is set up, but is it set up for the whole year? I have seen schools set up the first semester but not the second. In order to enroll students, the days must be in-session and have a bell schedule and cycle day.
Revision - this fixed it. Our A-B Days were recently deleted in the new semester month. Thank you!
Check your calendar set up.
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