Our district has users enter discipline via log entries. Another individual will then use the log entries to enter data into Incident Management for PIMS reporting purposes. Is there a way to 'link' the two modules so that the work does not need to be entered twice. It seems there should be but I cannot find any documentation on this. If not, I am sure the short answer is to have all incidents be reported into Incident Management but barring that (may not be a way to do that at this point), is anyone aware of a link between the two so they can 'talk' to each other and avoid redundant work.
Thanks in advance.
My understanding is that Teacher Observations are not visible via Admin portal unless it is escalated to a Teacher Referral Incident. Which means Admin users can't pull data on what teachers are entering, or even be able to see it.
We had a teacher escalated an observation in which the principal got an email about. However, there was no record in PowerSchool admin under that student's incidents. Should an incident be created under that student on the admin side once the teacher escalates it?
@thebriangibson It is, but you will not be able to see it unless you adjust the permission on your Security Group to be able to see "Teacher Referral" Incident types.
I adjusted the security group to include teacher referral and now it works great. Thank you for your swift response.
Interesting exchange here...So, if I am reading this correctly; if the admin security group has "teacher referral" enabled, any observation that is escalated for admin response using the checkbox will be visible to the admin in an automated email they receive and in the student's incident management screen? I am processing this all correctly?
@jemyers1 Just about. The email that is generated is just a generic "An incident has been entered for such and such," it does not include the Incident at all. The Incident will appear on Incident Management and the Student's Incident page. See attached.
In the second image...is the "participant" the student involved?