You may enter a preferred name, but you must also include the legal name.
Below is what it looks like when I enter new students.
You create no problems with state reports if you put the preferred name at the top and the legal one at the bottom.
I just spoke with our PS tech. He said we are currently on version 22.5.1, which is not that far ahead of your version. He felt you should have that option and suggested contacting whoever handles your district PS setup or contact PS support.
I can enter that info on the Enroll New Student page and the Demographics page.
Thanks for the information! We will look again! I had not seen that in the new release information and/or video that Jason Springel posts online.
Have a great day!
Sure here's the link and a screenshot.
It's my understanding that the support website where the videos are stored have varing levels of rights. You would have to reach out to your district or support people to either update your rights to allow acccess to the video.
It does not allow me the option to download the video.
The PowerSchool Insider video would not be of much use (or, frankly, interest if you have seen one š ) to a parent as it deals with the Admin and/or Teacher functionality of PowerSchool, neither of which a parent would have access to.
You'd be surprised about parents. We are in the indepentent school system and our parents have more credentials and degrees than you'd believe.
@reynoldsn As a former teacher who has worked in both a very affluent and a not-so-affluent district, I am not surprised by any parents degrees or lack thereof.
But the only credentials that will get you into the Admin or Teacher-side of an SIS are login credentials.š
In our state, there are definitely problems with using the legal field, unfortunately. Our state is pulling from the top field, not legal.
But Powerschool does have the functionality now. Just need the states to catch up.
So sorry to hear the about the issue and time reverting the data. Powerschool needs to step up and get with today's world. It seems PowerSchool wants to invest $$$ to build systems to support the academics (powerteacher and learning systems) for the student but not the personal growth and development (the preferred name of which they identify with) of that same student.
PowerSchool seems to be the only SIS I am aware of that doesn't provide the effective use of the student names (legal and preferred).
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Hi @sploeg
We recommend adding your request as an Enhancement Request on PowerSchool Ideas Portal so that the product team can take a look at this. This article should walk you through how to raise an Enhancement Request.