Teachers in my district sometimes assign different assignments to individuals or groups on students on Schoology. However, when these teachers go to sync their Schoology gradebook to PowerSchool, they get a sync error on the status page. The sync error does not provide any specific details other than "there was an error syncing your assignment."
Hi @kaufman_s,
Thank you for reaching out for assistance in the Community.
Please make sure that your assignments are assigned to a grading category. If an item is marked Ungraded in Schoology, the item does not sync with PowerSchool.
If this does not help you then please share the error message that you are receiving on the status page with a complete screenshot of your screen along with the steps that you are taking to reproduce this issue.
Community Moderator
Make sure that it hasn't already synced to PS. If it has, have them delete that assignment and resync.
I am having this issue as well. I have about five assignments that will not sync for all three of my classes. I have checked to be sure that each student has a grade and that each assignment has a category. This is the message that I have for each. What should I do?
I would look to see if they have already synced to PowerSchool. IF they have, delete them and resync.
Do they by chance have really long names? On the configuration page, did you check the box to Automatically shorten assignment titles? Sorry, it is much easier to troubleshoot with my own teachers as I can go into their actual SGY and PS course.
Not extremely long. I have other assignments that are just as long that have synced... I am thoroughly confused 😞
Hi @jjackson1,
Good Day! I am sorry to hear that you are still having issues with your assignments not syncing to PowerSchool SIS Gradebook. In order to troubleshoot this issue further we will have to take a closer look at your setup which will require accessing your site. In order to protect your data privacy, I recommend working with your Schoology Support Contacts who can create a support case on your behalf and connect you with the Schoology team.
Meanwhile, I recommend reviewing this article that might help you get started.
Community Moderator
One of my teachers is having a similiar problem with a course that we cross-listed. Did you find a solution for your problem? Anything we can try?
Hi @lwilliams88,
Have you made sure that your assignments are assigned to a grading category? If an item is marked Ungraded in Schoology, the item does not sync with PowerSchool. Meanwhile, I recommend reviewing this article that will help you get started.
Community Moderator