
How do you add co-teachers in PowerScheduler for a build?

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

How do you add co-teachers in PowerScheduler for a build?

How can co-teachers be created in PowerScheduler.  I have teachers that are co-teaching certain courses/sections and would like that to show in the Master Schedule prior to committing.  I hope this makes sense.




2 Replies
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Hi @SylviaMaisano in one of the most egregious oversights in all of PowerSchool, you cannot add a Co-Teacher to a course/section during a Build.


There are ways to "trick" PowerScheduler into doing this. One of them is to create a Dummy Course for the Co-Teacher and then set up a Course Team constraint. The GenEd course would go first in the constraint. When the schedule is committed, you can then assign the Co-teachers to the original section you want them attached to.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool
PowerSchool Mentor
PowerSchool Mentor

We do exaclty what @JeffG9 describes...It works, but sometimes doesn't play nice. And like he said, it's the only viable option during the build.

Doug Skinner

District Instructional Data Officer
Gateway Regional School District

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