Not sure if this is the right place to look for answers, but I am not finding a good place for that.
This is my 2nd year teaching. When I inherited my courses last year, all of the exams were built into each section. No item banks or anything. Just premade exams. Mostly OK, until I hit the end of the year & i have to squeeze 2 units together. So I tried to find a way to extract the questions from the exams to make an all-in-one exam. But I can't. I talked to one of our schoology specialist here & they showed me the AMP section. I don't like it. It seems like a ham fisted way to go about creating & distributing assessments.
Is there a way I can just convert an AMP question bank into an item bank? Is there a way I can just export an exam into a .csv? I feel some of these should, ideally, be easy to implement, especially converting one bank into another (why does there need to be 3 bank types, anyway?).
Hi @RBrumfield
We recommend reviewing the following documents for information regarding:
Currently, we do not have this feature to export exam to csv. However, you can submit an Enhancement Request. You can log this as an Enhancement Request on PowerSchool Ideas Portal so that the product team can take a look at this. This article should walk you through how to raise an Enhancement Request.