Not sure if this is the right place to look for answers, but I am not finding a good place for that.
This is my 2nd year teaching. When I inherited my courses last year, all of the exams were built into each section. No item banks or anything. Just premade exams. Mostly OK, until I hit the end of the year & i have to squeeze 2 units together. So I tried to find a way to extract the questions from the exams to make an all-in-one exam. But I can't. I talked to one of our schoology specialist here & they showed me the AMP section. I don't like it. It seems like a ham fisted way to go about creating & distributing assessments.
Is there a way I can just convert an AMP question bank into an item bank? Is there a way I can just export an exam into a .csv? I feel some of these should, ideally, be easy to implement, especially converting one bank into another (why does there need to be 3 bank types, anyway?).