
End of access of Schoology Basic Teachers account

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End of access of Schoology Basic Teachers account

Hi. I have been a basic user of Schoology (Teacher)  for years and it's sad for me to hear the end of access starting from Oct 1. As the current cohort of my students are in a 3-year programme, that is there are still 2 years to go. I would like to seek for any chances to continue the platform until the end of their cohort, let's say, join any enterprise package?


However, I could not reach any sales or find any information (404) so far. Could you please advise me on what to do next?

10 Replies

Hi @hkkmchu,


Good Day! After much consideration, we made the decision to end Schoology Basic to focus our energy on building innovative features and user experiences within Schoology Learning, our enterprise-level solution.


If you have questions about this notification that are not answered in our FAQs (link below), please email


Please note, we are only taking questions from Teachers with Schoology Basic accounts.


· If you are an Enterprise user, please reach out to our support team directly.

· If you are a parent or student, please reach out to your teacher/course administrator.


Please expect a response time of around 10 business days to your form submission. Should the inquiry be incomplete, the team will not be able to respond to the request.


Link to the FAQs:



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I have years worth of question banks developed in Schoology basic. I feel that it is unfair for Schoology to remove the Basic option and fail to provide a mode for individual teachers to pay for a Schoology Account. I would be happy to pay for my account, but there is not an option for me as an individual teacher to do so.


Additionally, only providing 2 months into the schoolyear to allow teachers to transfer their intellectual property out of schoology is insufficient. Would Schoology consider extending the Basic Platform until the end of the calendar year to allow teachers time to transition?


I have thousands of questions that I personally have entered into Schoology. I need time to transition my hard work to a new platform.

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Community Support Expert

Hi @rcm526 


If you have questions about the notification that are not answered in our FAQs (link below), please email


Please note, we are only taking questions from Teachers with Schoology Basic accounts.


· If you are an Enterprise user, please reach out to our support team directly.

· If you are a parent or student, please reach out to your teacher/course administrator.


Please expect a response time of around 10 business days to your form submission. Should the inquiry be incomplete, the team will not be able to respond to the request.


Link to the FAQs:

Did your issue get resolved? Please remember to give Kudos and/or select Accept As Solution on helpful posts to thank the author and help others find the solution.

PowerSchool Community Support

Except I don't see innovative features being added with the exception of buying other companies and making that available (Chalk).


Save your materials to organized containers in your resources. Export those. Create a free Canvas by Instructure account and import the materials into it.


Agreed!!  I have almost 10 years of test bank questions and material on this platform.  I would be more than willing to pay an individual teacher account as our school district does not have the funds for a district account.  Most of our teachers are older and do not use a lot of technology so this platform does not work for them.  Please allow time for us to transfer our material through out the year, my gosh Oct 1st is just not enough time.  Not to mention you can't export matching, multiple choice, etc, that's almost all of my assessments, I need time to manually type those up.  Plus I have yet to find an application that will open all of my exported content.  Your first notification was in June, the respectable amount of time would be a year to complete the transfer.  Please, Please consider extending the time frame.  Being a teacher now is hard enough these days, let alone having the burden of re-doing everything.  The kids don't even need to have access for me, I just need access to re-write their assessments each unit.  Could this be possible, access to our content but no access for new students for a year? That would help eliminate some of the stress.

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Community Support Expert

Hi @mwerder 


Please reach out to for your questions not covered in the FAQ.


Please expect a response time of around 10 business days to your form submission. Should the inquiry be incomplete, the team will not be able to respond to the request.


Link to the FAQs:


Did your issue get resolved? Please remember to give Kudos and/or select Accept As Solution on helpful posts to thank the author and help others find the solution.

PowerSchool Community Support

Agree to this post. 10 years of material that teachers have spent hours building and revising to help our students. It would be "greatly" appreciated if at least teachers could access to their material for a longer amount of time. 


could have access

Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @jmoorehead 


Unfortunately, after much consideration and discussion, it was decided that PowerSchool will not be able to reinstate access to the Schoology Basic platform after October 1, 2023.


As a Schoology Basic teacher, you have functionalities that allow you to retrieve or delete the data you may have stored within the platform. We encourage you to retrieve the content you may need in the future, such as:   

  • Course content  
  • Gradebook 

You will have until October 1, 2023, to use these functions to retrieve your Schoology Basic content from the platform. You may find instructions for exporting course content within our Personal Resources support guide.  You can also export grades



Jyotishka B.
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