
Edit comments as admin?


Edit comments as admin?

Is there a way I can easily edit teacher comments as an administrator?  


If I see a simple punctuation error or miswording, I am unable to fix.  I am told I am unable to print comments out as a class (by subject) for editing using a hard copy and have to go online one student/subject at a time.


As a first time administrator, any insights would sincerely be appreciated!

2 Replies

I don't think there is any easy way other than alerting the teacher of the error. PowerTeacher Pro under Teacher Schedules is view only. You could make yourself a co-teacher of the course and go in an make the change on an individual class/student basis.



Dan Morgan
Saint Mary's College High School - Berkeley, CA
PowerSchool Hosted - v 24.3 - 600 Students
PowerSchool User and Admin since 2000

Okay, thank you!