
Content Deleted

New Member

Content Deleted

I was under the impression that my content in courses would not be deleted until October 1, 2023 if I used a schoology basic plan.  I had access to all of my content on Monday (8/1423) of last week, and even gave students a test.  I logged into the system today (8/21/23) and everything is missing in my classes.  Why is all of my data gone?  I thought I had more time to download my material before this was going to happen.  Has this data been archived and is there any way for me to retrieve it.  Someone please help!

1 Reply
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @rahnp 


No. Data should not be deleted until Oct 1, 2023. Please check your Course Materials Recycle bin and let us know if it's in there.


Jyotishka B.
Community Moderator

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