
Conduct grades


Conduct grades

We are looking for a way to deduct points throughout the trimester. With our previous program (that teachers loved but admin decided was not fancy enough) each student started with 100 points and then we could deduct with negative score when they had behavior infractions. This allowed for real-time easy updating of the overall trimester grade in conduct. Please help!!
9 Replies
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

If you are using PowerTeacher Pro, teachers can create a "Conduct" assignment worth 100 points, give everyone a 100, then deduct points as needed throughout the Trimester.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Thanks. Can we have it as a class - so it appears as it’s own entity on the report card? And can we then create weekly assignments where we deduct the points from the given week so that parents and students can see the weekly impact on their overall grade? Or do we have to deduct manually and override the current grade?
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

If you have Conduct as a separate class the grade will have no bearing on the grade of the original class. I also cannot speak to State/Provincial Reporting Requirements (if any) of where you live. You could make "Conduct" a Category and make as many assignments as you like. If you use Category Weighting as your grade calculation for Trimesters you could weight it however you'd like. It wouldn't be a separate line on the report card but individual grades are viewable on the Portal.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Thanks for the clarification. We are looking for a way to have it be it’s own class and it’s own grade on the report card. We have just switched from a very easy to navigate platform and are having a very hard time adapting to
Power school (as teachers)
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Create a new Course, create sections and enroll the kiddos. You may want to put it in a period that exists outside the Bell Schedule so you don't have to worry about attendance. Again, I cannot speak to any reporting requirements.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

So my issue is that power school does not allow me to put in a negative score. It says that I cannot have scores less than 0. Would that be a setting up that administration can change on their end?
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

No, there cannot be a score in the negatives. I cannot imagine a scenario in which you would need to have one, honestly; a zero is a zero.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

So with our previous grading program. We could have a class - conduct. Each student begins with 100 points. Those who have behavior violations- would then have points deducted from the class. Which was reflected as negative value points. So if they had 5 points deducted their grade would be a 95 overall.
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

PT Pro does not have that functionality. You would have to change the 100 to a 95. You could use the comment on the assignment to track +/- entries.



Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool