
Cell phones!


Cell phones!

  I feel that young people today need a break from their cell phones and when you consider the distraction that they cause in terms of wasted time and attention wouldn't it be a good school action to insist on students not having cell phone in school and use school time as their cell phone break? I feel cell phones should be legislated out of schools ! What do you think?

4 Replies

I see no need for students to have cell phones in school. We have a no cell phone policy at our school. K3-Grade 12. Students are not allowed to bring them on campus. But we are a private Christian School in The Bahamas and we have the freedom to do that here. I am not sure how it will work in another country.

New Member

I agree that gadgets are very distracting for students. And I think that idea of not having phones at at schools are not that bad, but I don't think it's possible


I agree with your point. In years past, my district has allowed students to have cell phones out during the day and we saw an uptick in bullying reports and students being late to class. This year, we changed to a cell phone-free environment and the support and changes we have seen have been extraordinary. Students are engaging with each other and bullying reports have gone down. Students and parents have expressed to us that they are thankful we made this change. 


We have cell phone lockers in each classroom for students turn off and put in a locked box during class.