
Assistance facility/ Field use coordinator

New Member

Assistance facility/ Field use coordinator

Hi Team,

I have applied for the open position as assistant facility/ field use coordinator post. I would need to go through the job and responsibilities again, which I am unable to see on open position page of BSD website. Could you please guide me where I can see them or can you forward me, please. If you are not right person to answer on this then please help me to redirect to right one.

Pooja Agrawal
1 Reply
Community Knowledge Manager
Community Knowledge Manager

Hi @Poojaagrawal89


If you are looking to just review the information, then you should be able to see any applications and corresponding job descriptions in the candidate portal. Once you have logged in, there will be a tab for applications. 


If you are still unable to see it, then the job might not be appearing on the open positions page because the posting may have closed.


Please let us know in case of further queries.

Saffiya Tasneem
Community Moderator

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