
Where do you want to work tab is not visible


Please note that the "Where do you want to work" tab's visibility varies from district to district as per their set up.


Also, if a district has this tab enabled for them and if you are still not able to view it, please make sure that the account type is Standard or External instead of Transfer or Internal.



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Please note that the "Where do you want to work" tab's visibility varies from district to district as per their set up.


Also, if a district has this tab enabled for them and if you are still not able to view it, please make sure that the account type is Standard or External instead of Transfer or Internal.



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Please note that the "Where do you want to work" tab's visibility varies from district to district as per their set up.


Also, if a district has this tab enabled for them and if you are still not able to view it, please make sure that the account type is Standard or External instead of Transfer or Internal.



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Version history
Last update:
‎10-25-2023 04:21 PM
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