
Q&A: What Happens if I Withdraw My Application in Applicant Tracking?


If you withdraw your application, the district will no longer consider you for the position from which you are withdrawing. If you withdraw by mistake, please contact the district and they can re-activate your application.

If the district needs assistance with purging your application so that you can reapply please have them reach out to support. 

Hi I register for my daughter but I didn’t get confirmation number

Hi @Sakina1983 


If you have checked through emails and spam folder, and have not received any confirmation yet, I would recommend reaching out to your district directly and enquiring about the same. They should be able to provide you with the most up to date information.



I'm trying to apply for a position but, I'm having a very difficult time navigating this website.

Hi @yolandaejones78 


We recommend reviewing the below articles to help you log into your account:

If you continue to face issues or need any further assistance, then we recommend submitting a support ticket by clicking on this link.


Please Re-Activate my application for employment 07/01/2024.

I need to know where to find my application status can someone help me I have looked every where in the website and cant find anything.

@JyotishkaB How do you "purge" an application for a candidate so that they can change information on the application?


If you withdraw your application, the district will no longer consider you for the position from which you are withdrawing. If you withdraw by mistake, please contact the district and they can re-activate your application.

If the district needs assistance with purging your application so that you can reapply please have them reach out to support. 


If you withdraw your application, the district will no longer consider you for the position from which you are withdrawing. If you withdraw by mistake, please contact the district and they can re-activate your application.

If the district needs assistance with purging your application so that you can reapply please have them reach out to support. 
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‎10-08-2024 10:24 AM
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