
Required Comments on Ontario Standard Report Cards for Elementary Schools

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Required Comments on Ontario Standard Report Cards for Elementary Schools


The Ministry of Education has announced guidelines for the various comments that should be displayed on the Elementary report cards.  They have indicated that the comment "This report card is for a reporting period that included provincially-mandated school closure from March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2020." should appear in the Board comment section.  Since the templates used for June reporting do not have this section available, the suggestion was made to use the space below the Ontario logo for the message.  The Ministry has responded positively to this suggestion, and we are moving ahead with making this modification.


This is a sample of how the modified template will appear:




The updated templates can be implemented without updating to a new version of TwebEA.  We will post a file containing the updated templates to PowerSource, along with instructions on applying the new file to your current environment. The updated templates are expected to be available the week of June 8th.


The same modification for the Kindergarten Communication of Learning will require code modifications.  These changes will be made and released as part of the TrilRpts 5.43.20.  The release is expected to be available the week of June 8th.


Any other standard comments for the report cards, in such areas of learning skills or subject comments, will be the responsibility of the schools and/or teachers.  Automatically inserting comment text into these areas risk comments being truncated, depending on the comments already recorded.