System Admin - Statistics and Log Menu Options


The main purpose of SafeArrival is ensuring the safety of students. Statistics generate different insights to help a System Admin understand how SafeArrival is being used.  

Statistics will be invaluable to help you realize if SafeArrival is truly working to keep your students safe.

The Logs in SafeArrival give access to data of various activities in your SafeArrival account.



Statistics Option in SafeArrival Menu

Statistics Menu.PNG



  1. Date Scope

    • Select a date range and view statistics for that period of time (Custom is selected here). The options are self-explanatory.

  2. School Selection and Preview

    • Select individual schools, or school groups, to be included in the statistics.

  3. Report Selection - Number of Absences Reported through SafeArrival.

    • The report shows the total number of absences reported using the SafeArrival system and the details for each school.

  4. Report Selection - Absence Handling for the First Notifications

    • The report will show three important aspects:
      1. Number of absences reported before the first pass of notifications goes out.
      2. Number of absences reported during the first pass of notifications.
      3. The absences that remain unexplained after the first pass.

  5. Methods Used to Report Absences

    • The report explains how parents/guardians are reporting absences:
      • Call Out

      • Call In

      • Guardian Web

      • iPhone

      • Android

      • Staff Web

    • The report helps you have a sense which reporting method is most popular with your users.

  6. Report Selection - Status of First Notifications

    • The report shows the status of first notifications in terms of:
      1. Those not started.
      2. Those not completed.
      3. Completed.

  7. Report Selection - Average Time to Start First Notifications.

    • The report shows the average time in minutes before the notification process begins.
    • Time to Start = School Bell Time - Time Notifications Initiated (difference between when the bell rings and when SafeArrival notifications start).

    • NOTE: Important to analyze when notifications are sent manually.

  8. Report Selection - Absence Reasons

    • Absence Options for school or group and percentage of use for the time period selected (in this scenario it is Custom).
  9. Summary Section

    • Displays graphs or summary statements concerning statistical data.



Log Menu in SafeArrival

Log Menu.PNG


  1. Logs Menu

    • Depending on your district settings, you can use Logs to access the various activities in your SafeArrival Account.


    • When you select SIS ATTENDANCE FILE RAW you will select:
      1. Process Date
      2. Status [New, Successful, Partial Successful, Failed, or Retired].


    • Select:
      1. School
      2. Process Date


    • Select:

      1. Start Date & End Date
      2. Action Type [ Please Select: District Setting Change, Group Settings Change, School Setting Change, Absence Change]
      3. Setting Change Type {Please Select: Notification Settings, District Term, District Calendar, Import District Calendar, Absence Options, Absence Options Translations, Customer Report Setting, District Administrator Recipient, Language, SIS Absence Types}


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The main purpose of SafeArrival is ensuring the safety of students. Statistics generate different insights to help a System Admin understand how SafeArrival is being used.  

Statistics will be invaluable to help you realize if SafeArrival is truly working to keep your students safe.

The Logs in SafeArrival give access to data of various activities in your SafeArrival account.



Statistics Option in SafeArrival Menu

Statistics Menu.PNG



  1. Date Scope

    • Select a date range and view statistics for that period of time (Custom is selected here). The options are self-explanatory.

  2. School Selection and Preview

    • Select individual schools, or school groups, to be included in the statistics.

  3. Report Selection - Number of Absences Reported through SafeArrival.

    • The report shows the total number of absences reported using the SafeArrival system and the details for each school.

  4. Report Selection - Absence Handling for the First Notifications

    • The report will show three important aspects:
      1. Number of absences reported before the first pass of notifications goes out.
      2. Number of absences reported during the first pass of notifications.
      3. The absences that remain unexplained after the first pass.

  5. Methods Used to Report Absences

    • The report explains how parents/guardians are reporting absences:
      • Call Out

      • Call In

      • Guardian Web

      • iPhone

      • Android

      • Staff Web

    • The report helps you have a sense which reporting method is most popular with your users.

  6. Report Selection - Status of First Notifications

    • The report shows the status of first notifications in terms of:
      1. Those not started.
      2. Those not completed.
      3. Completed.

  7. Report Selection - Average Time to Start First Notifications.

    • The report shows the average time in minutes before the notification process begins.
    • Time to Start = School Bell Time - Time Notifications Initiated (difference between when the bell rings and when SafeArrival notifications start).

    • NOTE: Important to analyze when notifications are sent manually.

  8. Report Selection - Absence Reasons

    • Absence Options for school or group and percentage of use for the time period selected (in this scenario it is Custom).
  9. Summary Section

    • Displays graphs or summary statements concerning statistical data.



Log Menu in SafeArrival

Log Menu.PNG


  1. Logs Menu

    • Depending on your district settings, you can use Logs to access the various activities in your SafeArrival Account.


    • When you select SIS ATTENDANCE FILE RAW you will select:
      1. Process Date
      2. Status [New, Successful, Partial Successful, Failed, or Retired].


    • Select:
      1. School
      2. Process Date


    • Select:

      1. Start Date & End Date
      2. Action Type [ Please Select: District Setting Change, Group Settings Change, School Setting Change, Absence Change]
      3. Setting Change Type {Please Select: Notification Settings, District Term, District Calendar, Import District Calendar, Absence Options, Absence Options Translations, Customer Report Setting, District Administrator Recipient, Language, SIS Absence Types}


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  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.


The main purpose of SafeArrival is ensuring the safety of students. Statistics generate different insights to help a System Admin understand how SafeArrival is being used.  

Statistics will be invaluable to help you realize if SafeArrival is truly working to keep your students safe.

The Logs in SafeArrival give access to data of various activities in your SafeArrival account.



Statistics Option in SafeArrival Menu

Statistics Menu.PNG



  1. Date Scope

    • Select a date range and view statistics for that period of time (Custom is selected here). The options are self-explanatory.

  2. School Selection and Preview

    • Select individual schools, or school groups, to be included in the statistics.

  3. Report Selection - Number of Absences Reported through SafeArrival.

    • The report shows the total number of absences reported using the SafeArrival system and the details for each school.

  4. Report Selection - Absence Handling for the First Notifications

    • The report will show three important aspects:
      1. Number of absences reported before the first pass of notifications goes out.
      2. Number of absences reported during the first pass of notifications.
      3. The absences that remain unexplained after the first pass.

  5. Methods Used to Report Absences

    • The report explains how parents/guardians are reporting absences:
      • Call Out

      • Call In

      • Guardian Web

      • iPhone

      • Android

      • Staff Web

    • The report helps you have a sense which reporting method is most popular with your users.

  6. Report Selection - Status of First Notifications

    • The report shows the status of first notifications in terms of:
      1. Those not started.
      2. Those not completed.
      3. Completed.

  7. Report Selection - Average Time to Start First Notifications.

    • The report shows the average time in minutes before the notification process begins.
    • Time to Start = School Bell Time - Time Notifications Initiated (difference between when the bell rings and when SafeArrival notifications start).

    • NOTE: Important to analyze when notifications are sent manually.

  8. Report Selection - Absence Reasons

    • Absence Options for school or group and percentage of use for the time period selected (in this scenario it is Custom).
  9. Summary Section

    • Displays graphs or summary statements concerning statistical data.



Log Menu in SafeArrival

Log Menu.PNG


  1. Logs Menu

    • Depending on your district settings, you can use Logs to access the various activities in your SafeArrival Account.


    • When you select SIS ATTENDANCE FILE RAW you will select:
      1. Process Date
      2. Status [New, Successful, Partial Successful, Failed, or Retired].


    • Select:
      1. School
      2. Process Date


    • Select:

      1. Start Date & End Date
      2. Action Type [ Please Select: District Setting Change, Group Settings Change, School Setting Change, Absence Change]
      3. Setting Change Type {Please Select: Notification Settings, District Term, District Calendar, Import District Calendar, Absence Options, Absence Options Translations, Customer Report Setting, District Administrator Recipient, Language, SIS Absence Types}


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  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.
Version history
Last update:
‎04-17-2024 04:52 PM
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