
How-To: Manage All of Your Forms from the Forms Page


How to manage all of your forms from the forms page?



You can manage all of your forms from the forms page, including Published, Drafts, Archived, Rejected, Approved, and Closed. Navigate to the Forms section within the top menu.



  • Depending on your account type, the top menu may look different. However, regardless of your license tier, you should be able to find the forms menu.



There are four different tabs on the Forms page summarized below:



You will find any of the forms you have created in the forms tab, including draft, published, closed and archived forms. If you are an administrator, you will see all the forms that other organization users have published, drafted, closed or achieved.



In the Respond tab, you will find forms that someone in your organization has requested you fill out. These are forms pending a response from you (Previously Internal Forms).



In the Supervising tab, you will find forms that you have been added to as a Supervisor, typically by the original form creator. From this tab, you can access the “Form Manager” page, where you can view and report on all responses, and based on your access, you may also be able to modify the form and respondent list.


Process in Progress

If your organization has the “Processes” feature enabled, any of the processes you create will be listed in the “Process in Progress” tab. From here, you can monitor all forms’ status in your process, send reminder notifications to outstanding approvals and access the Form Manager screen for forms that will collect responses.




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How to manage all of your forms from the forms page?



You can manage all of your forms from the forms page, including Published, Drafts, Archived, Rejected, Approved, and Closed. Navigate to the Forms section within the top menu.



  • Depending on your account type, the top menu may look different. However, regardless of your license tier, you should be able to find the forms menu.



There are four different tabs on the Forms page summarized below:



You will find any of the forms you have created in the forms tab, including draft, published, closed and archived forms. If you are an administrator, you will see all the forms that other organization users have published, drafted, closed or achieved.



In the Respond tab, you will find forms that someone in your organization has requested you fill out. These are forms pending a response from you (Previously Internal Forms).



In the Supervising tab, you will find forms that you have been added to as a Supervisor, typically by the original form creator. From this tab, you can access the “Form Manager” page, where you can view and report on all responses, and based on your access, you may also be able to modify the form and respondent list.


Process in Progress

If your organization has the “Processes” feature enabled, any of the processes you create will be listed in the “Process in Progress” tab. From here, you can monitor all forms’ status in your process, send reminder notifications to outstanding approvals and access the Form Manager screen for forms that will collect responses.




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How to manage all of your forms from the forms page?



You can manage all of your forms from the forms page, including Published, Drafts, Archived, Rejected, Approved, and Closed. Navigate to the Forms section within the top menu.



  • Depending on your account type, the top menu may look different. However, regardless of your license tier, you should be able to find the forms menu.



There are four different tabs on the Forms page summarized below:



You will find any of the forms you have created in the forms tab, including draft, published, closed and archived forms. If you are an administrator, you will see all the forms that other organization users have published, drafted, closed or achieved.



In the Respond tab, you will find forms that someone in your organization has requested you fill out. These are forms pending a response from you (Previously Internal Forms).



In the Supervising tab, you will find forms that you have been added to as a Supervisor, typically by the original form creator. From this tab, you can access the “Form Manager” page, where you can view and report on all responses, and based on your access, you may also be able to modify the form and respondent list.


Process in Progress

If your organization has the “Processes” feature enabled, any of the processes you create will be listed in the “Process in Progress” tab. From here, you can monitor all forms’ status in your process, send reminder notifications to outstanding approvals and access the Form Manager screen for forms that will collect responses.




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Last update:
‎12-15-2023 09:55 AM
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