Wondering if there is a PowerSchool status page I can check out first when teachers come to me and say "I can't get into PowerSchool, it is just spinning".
Can someone provide the steps to navigate if there is such an area to check before other troubleshooting techniques roll out?
Thank you!
Currently there seems to be an issue with hosted districts (at least for ours) and I don't yet see any notifications about that on the status page.
The posting is on the status page now.
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2021 Winner
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2023 Winner
PowerSchool Mentor/Champion
We are aware of degraded performance with PowerSchool SIS and our team is actively working on resolving this issue at this time. Please continue to check our status page and make sure to subscribe to get timely updates.
Sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience with us.
Why does the status now indicate that maintenance will begin in about an hour from now, during school hours?
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2021 Winner
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2023 Winner
PowerSchool Mentor/Champion
Hi, Barbara!
There was an issue yesterday that prevented some customers from accessing SIS and slowness for those who could on the East Coast. There was an emergency maintenance through our Hosting team to resolve this issue.
There should not have been a minimal impact. Some customers may have experienced a timeout when logged in but this would have been resolved by logging in again.