Quick Doc: Edit a Resume



This article will help you with the steps to edit a resume. 





  1. Select I want to from the main navigation menu.

  2. From Activities, choose Resume Builder.

  3. Select the resume name.

  4. From the list details:

    • Click the add icon to enter new information.

    • Click the edit icon to edit information.

    • Click the delete icon to remove information.

    • Click Back to Listing.


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This article will help you with the steps to edit a resume. 





  1. Select I want to from the main navigation menu.

  2. From Activities, choose Resume Builder.

  3. Select the resume name.

  4. From the list details:

    • Click the add icon to enter new information.

    • Click the edit icon to edit information.

    • Click the delete icon to remove information.

    • Click Back to Listing.


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  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.



This article will help you with the steps to edit a resume. 





  1. Select I want to from the main navigation menu.

  2. From Activities, choose Resume Builder.

  3. Select the resume name.

  4. From the list details:

    • Click the add icon to enter new information.

    • Click the edit icon to edit information.

    • Click the delete icon to remove information.

    • Click Back to Listing.


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  • Comment directly on this article to request clarification or share feedback about the content of the article.
  • Use the product-specific forum for questions not directly related to this article.
Version history
Last update:
‎07-10-2024 10:13 AM
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