If you are receiving the “No Zoned School Located” error when attempting to complete your form, this means that the School Locator tool in the form was not able to find an appropriate school based on the address you have entered. This may be because of the School Locator’s settings, or because of the format in which you’ve entered your address.
We would recommend that you contact your school district directly to verify that your address is within the bounds of the school system. However, there are a few steps you can take before contacting your school.
If these steps do not help you complete the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.
I was able to get the issue resolved with a tech representative from the district. There is a cliche in the system with selecting a home school and the grade. Select kindergarten and answer no to the questions regarding Munger Elementary if it does not apply to you. I was able to select the correct home school and select the correct grade level.
My address doesn't show up in Google Maps, and the system doesn't allow me to submit anything until I select the school. Can anyone give me the number of the tech agent that can help me?
If you are receiving the “No Zoned School Located” error when attempting to complete your form, this means that the School Locator tool in the form was not able to find an appropriate school based on the address you have entered. This may be because of the School Locator’s settings, or because of the format in which you’ve entered your address.
We would recommend that you contact your school district directly to verify that your address is within the bounds of the school system. However, there are a few steps you can take before contacting your school.
If these steps do not help you complete the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.
If you are receiving the “No Zoned School Located” error when attempting to complete your form, this means that the School Locator tool in the form was not able to find an appropriate school based on the address you have entered. This may be because of the School Locator’s settings, or because of the format in which you’ve entered your address.
We would recommend that you contact your school district directly to verify that your address is within the bounds of the school system. However, there are a few steps you can take before contacting your school.
If these steps do not help you complete the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.