We pulled our daughter out of the district for the year, but would like to ensure she has a space in the district next year. How do I go about re-enrolling a previously enrolled student?
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Student to Reenroll | The selected student appears. |
Date of Reenrollment | Enter the date of the reenrollment. |
Entry Code | Choose the reason for the enrollment from the pop-up menu. |
Entry Comment | Enter any comments related to the reenrollment. |
Grade Level | Choose the student's current grade level from the pop-up menu. |
Restore class enrollments? | Choose either Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Restoring the enrollments creates new enrollment records and aids in reports, such as the Enrollment by Section report. |
Full-Time Equivalency | Choose the multiplier to calculate full-time equivalency from the pop-up menu. |
Membership Share | Choose the multiplier to calculate the membership share from the pop-up menu. |
Tuition Payer | Choose the method of tuition payment from the pop-up menu. |
Special Enrollment Code | Choose an enrollment code from the pop-up menu. |
Enrollment Type | Choose an enrollment type from the pop-up menu. |
I am confused about how to start. How do I get to this "start page"? When I log in to power school, I do not see anything about selecting a school or student.
Hi @aIvIe, Thank you for jumping in to help a fellow community member. We truly appreciate it.
PowerSchool offers multiple solutions to help district Administrators, Teachers, Parents, and Students.
@rtop is seeking assistance with PowerSchool Enrollment, a solution offered by PowerSchool to help schools and districts transition the student registration process online. You can learn more about PowerSchool solutions here.
The steps that you so helpfully shared should help a PowerSchool SIS Administrator re-enroll a student, however, @rtop is looking for information on her student's yearly enrollment.
Hi @rtop, Welcome to PowerSchool Community!
Information on the process of enrollment and availability of yearly enrollment forms is at the discretion of the school or district. The school or district decides when the enrollment forms should be made available and the forms vary widely across schools and districts. We recommend contacting the enrollment/admissions department of your district who are better equipped to provide you with up to date information.
It has to be done through the admin page, not the regular PowerSchool teacher page. Do you have access to the admin PowerSchool page? If not, your PowerSchool admin will need to do the aforementioned steps to re-enroll the students you have chosen.