
Data Delivery Batch Error


Data Delivery Batch Error

We have encountered an error while trying to deliver.  The error description is below:


SKIPPED: (Student Name). DETAILS: Unexpected character encountered whild parsing value: <. Path ", line 0, position 0.


I'm trying to assist a school with correcting this error.  Thank you in advance for any help we receive.

8 Replies



I hope you are well today.  Do you happen to have a solution to the batch delivery error?


Hi @lisa_blackwell 


Thank you for your patience while we work with the Enrollment team. 


When parents enter unwanted special characters in the form, then it might cause the error message. I recommend reaching out to one of the Designated Support Contacts of your school district for further assistance. 

Sowmya Karmel
PowerSchool Community Moderator
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Thank you very much for replying.  This is new to me, so I'm a little anxious.

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Ran into the same error with only one student. 



  • After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: G. Path 'middleName', line 1, position 116.



Thank you


Hi @BeckiR1 


I am sorry that you are having difficulties with the Data Delivery Batch Error. I recommend reaching out to Enrollment Family Support for further assistance. 

Sowmya Karmel
PowerSchool Community Moderator
Remember to give Kudos to suggestions that help you!
If another user helps solve your issue, please select Accept As Solution on their post so others can see the solution, too!

check for ' in names, special characters, the system does not like them. Remove them.

Charlene Thomas

Re: Data Delivery Batch Error

check for ' in names, special characters, the system does not like them. Remove them.

Charlene Thomas
Charlene Thomas