
Affidavit of parent/Affidavit resident for first time student when Mother temporary lives in the US


Affidavit of parent/Affidavit resident for first time student when Mother temporary lives in the US


I live temporarily in my sister in law house, free of charge. My child will stay with his Aunt during the schooling year. Does the notarized affidavit of parent/ resident only required in this case, or do I have to go the court to grant authority to the Aunt before registering? 


1 Reply
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @Lysie


Each school has a different process for student registration and can provide the best steps to move forward when enrolling students. 


You would need to directly reach out to the district and confirm from them if they require an affidavit of the parent or court permission to grant authority to the aunt for the child's enrollment. You can get the contact information from the official web page of the district.

You can check out the FAQs related to the enrollment process here.







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