
Update Section Expression


Update Section Expression

Hi all,


I would like to update the expression of a section which is already having few attendance records.


It is fine to clear the attendance records and proceed, however it throws me the below warning.


Record not saved
Updates to the schedule expression will orphan associated attendance records.


Any luck?

2 Replies

You have to go into DDE 

  1. Open the Section record and go to the very bottom, grab the SectionID
    2. Now go to DDE > CC table and search for that SectionID
    3. This should give you 17 CC records - write down the ID of each of these CC records
    4. Go to DDE > Attendance table and search for the CCID for each of those ID's of CC records
    CCID = ID of each of the CC records you found in step 3 - you will need to delete all attendance in the background in order to change a period on a section. 

Thank you very much, five months later these are precisely the steps I needed to follow to solve my problem. Thanks again 😀