
Total points within a category

New Member

Total points within a category

Hi. I use category weights, but I want the grades within each category to use total points rather than have each assignment equally weighted. Specifically I want to be able to add extra credit points to the homework category, but not to any specific assignment within the category. If I try to just make an extra credit assignment, well, getting 5 points out of 0 is a really good grade, and that really good grade is getting averaged in with every equally weighted homework assignment. Is there a better way to do this? Thank you.

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New Member

@RiceL starbuckssecretmenu wrote:

Hi. I use category weights, but I want the grades within each category to use total points rather than have each assignment equally weighted. Specifically I want to be able to add extra credit points to the homework category, but not to any specific assignment within the category. If I try to just make an extra credit assignment, well, getting 5 points out of 0 is a really good grade, and that really good grade is getting averaged in with every equally weighted homework assignment. Is there a better way to do this? Thank you.

To calculate grades using total points within a category:

Define Total Points: Set total points for each assignment in the category (e.g., 3 assignments at 10 points each = 30 points).
Calculate Earned Points: Sum points earned from assignments.
Add Extra Credit: Add any extra credit points to the total earned.
Calculate Final Percentage: Divide total earned (including extra credit) by total possible points (assignments + extra credit).
Weight the Category: Apply category weight to get the final grade contribution.
This method allows for extra credit without skewing assignment averages!