Student Select Screen Compressed?


Student Select Screen Compressed?

Hi, everyone,


I'm having an issue where the login screen on my admin portal is "compressed". PowerSchool tech said this was a customization, and when I turned them off the issue was fixed, however I need to locate exactly what the issue is since we use a few customizations.


I'm just wondering if anyone had had a similar experience with this update?

1 Solution

I just experienced the same thing.  The rep turned off all of my customizations and then linked to this article:


I turned customization back on and then just disabled the PowerPack Web Report referenced.  That solved the issue.

View solution in original post

10 Replies

I just experienced the same thing.  The rep turned off all of my customizations and then linked to this article:


I turned customization back on and then just disabled the PowerPack Web Report referenced.  That solved the issue.


It is the Web based report, I just saw it with my own eyes. I'm going to do my part and confirm this with PS tech.



PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

We are having the same issue and we don't have PowerPack Web Report. We turned the customizations off and back on and still have the issue. 

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

We did notice two plug ins were added on 6/15/24, but are not enabled. IdP for MyPowerHub and Unified Home Communication. Did anyone with the issue also have those show up?


I also have those exact two plugins installed on the same date. Both are also not enabled for me. I'm wondering if those have to do with the upcoming? changes to SchoolMessenger-PowerSchool integration?


PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Have you been able to resolve the screen display issue?


Yep, it was as a few people here mentioned: "PowerPack Web Based Reports".


We have close to 20 PowerPack plugins and the only one I turned off was that one and it fixed the issue immediately.

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Thanks. We don't have PowerPack. It must be another, similar issue for us, but we can't find it. 


I'm sorry I can't be of more help. The only thing I can add is that we also use quite a few PSCB Development plugins and those all work, so if you use them too, I would put them to the bottom of the list of potential culprits. Other than PowerPack and PSCB, the other plugins we use are for Magnus, Schoology, SchoolMessenger.


We also have two plugins disabled. But if we enable the customization, the total PowerSchool page will loss the navigation.