We accidentally did not have exclude enrollments where students dropped the course before ____ date selected when storing grades. This caused blank and duplicate grades to be stored. Is there a way to redo the storing of grades to get these to delete?
Or are our only options to do a backup of the system? Or manually go through and delete duplicates/blank grades?
You can delete grades en masse via DDA. If you stored Q2 grades today and wanted to find and delete all blank Q2 stored grades that do not have a comment, you could run the search in the screenshot, switch to DDA and delete the results. If you just want the grades in the building you are in you could also check the "Search only in records belonging to..." checkbox.
If you do not know how to access DDA, it is likely because your security permissions will not allow it or that you shouldn't be working in that area of PowerSchool to begin with (you can wreak some serious havoc in DDA if you do not know what you are doing).
If you'd like to wipe out all Q2 grades and re-store them completely, omit the Grade= and Comment= search parameters.
You can re-store grades and the process will overwrite the previous stored grades (provided you configure the Permanently Store Grades screen the same way).
Thanks, Jeff. I am aware of DDA, although it's probably my least favorite part of PowerSchool to be in!
Is there risk of an orphaned CC record if you delete a grade with a comment? Trying to figure out the need to include comment in the search field
Hi @victoriavesecky no, you do not have to worry about CC records when deleting blank grades. I included the Comment parameter because I work with some districts that intentionally store blank grades with Comments for certain classes.
Thank you! That makes sense.
Hello Jeff
Good afternoon
My principal accidentally Stored F1 Grades for Full Year Courses Instead of Quarter Course(s).
and Should I Use Modify instead of Delete to take out F1. Full Year Courses,
School year Not Done Yet.
Take out Grade for F1 (Full year Courses). School Year Not Done Yet.
That is what I meant
My Principal went ahead and did it without me.
We Hid F1 for the parents. Quick Lookup View