
Staff can't log into KB

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Staff can't log into KB

Hi.  My name is Amy Grace.  I am a KB administrator.  Many staff in my school cannot get into KB today.  It is our first day of school.  When I log in, I receive the following message "Your school is not quite ready yet. You will not be able to start until the new school year migration process is finished or the start date of the school year is changed by a system administrator. For more detailed instructions, click on the question mark above and then search for “New School Year Migration”."  But, I am unable to click on "?" botton.  I also cannot remember the 504 Help Desk number that I called last year.  Is there a number that I can call to get a live person?  

1 Reply
Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @AGrace41 


Thank you for reaching out to the PowerSchool Community!


I see that you have a support case open with PowerSchool support to request assistance. Please continue to work through the case with the support team.


You can access your cases and communicate with your case owner through the PowerSchool Case portal when you access your PowerSchool Community account from UCBS (KB).


This article will guide you through accessing your PowerSchool Community account from UCBS (KB). Getting Started for Unified Classroom Support on the PowerSchool Community.

Did your issue get resolved? Please remember to give Kudos and/or select Accept As Solution on helpful posts to thank the author and help others find the solution.

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