
PowerTeacher Pro Multi-language support


PowerTeacher Pro Multi-language support

 Hi PowerSchool team,

Our school has a trouble while inputting comments PowerTeacher Pro report card function. 

Since our school is in Vietnam and there are some host country study subjects which are in Vietnamese.

Our local teachers input Vietnamese into comment section and when the reports are printed out, all Vietnamese comments have font error displays. 

I would like to know if PowerSchool supports multi-language (like using UTF-8 encoding ,etc)  in comment sections in reports.

Many thanks

3 Replies

 @cuongvu FYI

Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @phuongnguyenthi,


Currently, Object report text and DATs can be localized for any single-byte language (French, Spanish, German, etc.). Multi-byte character languages (Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Vietnamese, etc.) are not available for object report localization at this time. This is a great idea for an enhancement request for future releases. We encourage you to share this idea with our development team on the PowerSchool Ideas Portal. This article will walk you through the process of submitting an enhancement request.


I would suggest you please create the report works report or custom report to print the report in the Vietnamese language.

Meanwhile, we hope that other Community members jump in and share their insights on this.



Community Moderator



Hi ParitoshT,

Thank you for your response.We will consider your suggestion.

Have a nide day!