



Hello all,


I am working on my master schedule and I am noticing that in Spanish 1 for 5th period is loading to full (38 students) and 6th period is loading to 11 students with a max enrollment of 38.  I am going to look at the students individually and see if I can determine why but I was hoping to find a setting that forces the computer to work a little harder at evenly distributing class sizes.  

1 Reply

Hi @ryebread1974,


Good Day! You might have students on your side who might not be having a value set for the fields Next_School and Sched_NextYearGrade. Also, are you manually creating the Bell schedule?  If so then you can use Load only instead of Build and load. I recommend reviewing this article for the PowerScheduler Checklist:  Load Only.


I recommend reviewing these articles that will help you get started in troubleshooting this issue further.


PowerScheduler Hints, Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting Common Issues


PowerScheduler: Load (Q) Results Log: Errors and Definitions


If this doesn't help you then in order to troubleshoot this issue further we will have to take a closer look at your setup to dig further into your sections setup, review the ScheduleCC and CC records and take a look at your schedule setup as well while requiring access to your site. To protect your data privacy, I recommend reviewing reaching out to the technical contact in your school district who should be able to create a support case with the PowerSchool SIS team on your behalf to take this further. Additionally, you would also want to work with your technical contacts to review the information in the above articles.



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