Object Report With Conditionals


Object Report With Conditionals

I am attempting to create a conditional response within an object report based upon the following  syntax:




I would like the report to render the value of [Students.U_Students_Extension]HLS_NT_YS when the value of 

[Students.U_Students_Extension]HLS_NT_YN evaluates to "Yes", and render nothing (blank) when the value of [Students.U_Students_Extension]HLS_NT_YN evaluates to "No".

(Please note: similar but different field names ,"YN" vs. "YS")


Is this possible?


Also, what is the difference between the conditional statements:




3 Replies

It should also be noted that the statement above currently renders "No" when the value of [Students.U_Students_Extension]HLS_NT_YN evaluates to "No", and 

nothing (blank) when the value of [Students.U_Students_Extension]HLS_NT_YN evaluates to "Yes".


I'd like to do something similar.

What I would like to do is have the object report check the PSCORE_LEGAL_FIRST_NAME and PSCORE_LEGAL_LAST_NAME fields. If those fields return blank, then I would like the report to use the First_Name and Last_Name fields instead.

PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

Try this. Basically if the legal first name is blank it will use the first name 

