I would like to create a report detailing all seniors who have an outstanding fee.
Is there a way to print a report detailing the items owed and combine all 4 years onto 1 report?
I'm hoping you don't have to go back to the previous school year(s)? and look at the SOY balance.
Thank you!
Ginny S
@vsteckowych We have created an object report in PS that is a fee invoice. It shows all fees due. See attachment. If this is something you think will work for you, I can share the setup with you.
PowerSchool Mentor/Champion
PowerSchool Mentor of the Year 2021 Winner
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2022 Winner
That would be wonderful if you can share the setup with me??
Thanks so much @HeatherWeist!
This would be something that we have been looking for at our school (I have only been here for 5 years) for the last 10 years without having to manually type up an invoice in another program.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this setup with us.
Thank you kindly!
Lisa Podgornik
School District of Flambeau
Tony, Wisconsin
@HeatherWeist , hopefully received my request to share the setup information for the PS Fee Invoice. It appears that Lpod is looking for the same help! Thank you so much in advance!
Ginny Steckowych
Exeter High School, NH
Good Afternoon @HeatherWeist ;
I am also looking for help on creating a report that will list all fees so that I can send out to parents. Would you be able to help me? Thanks
Would you be able to share the setup with me also?
Hi @HeatherWeist ,
I am interested in the setup as well. Not sure if you have been sharing it with individuals, but if so, could you share with me? Thanks!
This is AMAZING!!! Could you share it with me and how to use it?
I'm trying to figure out how to add the fee part to the report. I have the report or form created just can't figure out how to add the fee type, transactions etc.
Hi @HeatherWeist !
We could also use help with setting up an invoice in our district in Kent City, Michigan. If you could share the set up with me it would be greatly appreciated!
Lisa Hunter
Kent City Community Schools
Since I can't attach object report templates, I have them saved at the following link. Please feel free to import them into your PS SIS and modify as needed.
PowerSchool Mentor/Champion
PowerSchool Mentor of the Year 2021 Winner
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2022 Winner
@HeatherWeist when I try to upload the template into PS it says the template type is unrecognized. Any suggestions?
@Melody1 How are you trying to upload them?
Setup > System > System Administrator > Reports > Import Report Template
PowerSchool Mentor/Champion
PowerSchool Mentor of the Year 2021 Winner
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2022 Winner
We downloaded the template you shared and went to
Setup > System > System Administrator > Reports > Import Report Template and it says the template type is unrecognized.
That is very strange. Let me see what I can figure out.
PowerSchool Mentor/Champion
PowerSchool Mentor of the Year 2021 Winner
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2022 Winner
@Melody1 Here is the txt version...This shows you how it was setup by each line. I'll have to see if I can make it importable.
<Created>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:33:58 GMT</Created>
<Author>z55, 55</Author>
<Type>29 Object Report</Type>
<Name>Fees Invoice</Name>
<Object no="1">
<Object no="2">
<Object no="3">
<Object no="4">
<Object no="5">
<Object no="6">
<Object no="7">
<Object no="8">
<Text>Bill To:<br><br>^(Father)<br>^(street)<br>^(city), ^(state) ^(zip)</Text>
<Object no="9">
<Text>If Invoice indicates an amount due, please make payment to the address below. Please make checks payable to ~(schoolname).<br><br>Remit to:<br>^([39]name)<br>^([39]schooladdress)<br>^([39]schoolcity), ^([39]schoolstate) ^([39]schoolzip)</Text>
<Object no="10">
<Label>txtOffice Use</Label>
<Text>Office Use:<br>Student Name: ^(first_name) ^(last_name)<br>Grade Level: ^(grade_level)<br>School: ^(schoolname)</Text>
<Object no="11">
<Text>Indicate Payment Method: <br> <tabr 6>Check<br> <tabr 6>Money Order<br><tabr 6>Cash<br> <tabr 6></Text>
<Object no="12">
<Text>^(schoolname)<br>^([39]schooladdress)<br>^([39]schoolcity), ^([39]schoolstate) ^([39]schoolzip)<br>Phone: ^([39]schoolphone)<br>Fax: ^([39]schoolfax)</Text>
<Object no="13">
<Text><tabl .625>^(first_name) ^(last_name)<tabl 5.25>^(grade_level)<tabl 6.5>^(yearname)</Text>
<Object no="14">
<Text><tabl .625>Student Name<tabl 5.25>Grade<tabl 6.5>School Year</Text>
PowerSchool Mentor/Champion
PowerSchool Mentor of the Year 2021 Winner
PowerSchool Beta Tester of the Year 2022 Winner
Hi Heather,
we @ KSD were also looking for a fee report like this. Did you figure out how to make a template importable?
Edit - Never mind