This website and the support has been extremely difficult to navigate as a teacher trying to access courses. I cannot call, use live chat, or virtually get any assistance live. I cannot see my archived courses from 2021-2022 school year. Please contact me to help me find them.
@annaberzins It helps to let folks know exactly which product you are using and exactly what you are trying to do. For instance, I have no idea what you mean by "archived courses."
Hi @annaberzins,
Some resources and access to contact support are available based on the role assigned by your school or district. This article will provide the most common reasons you may receive a message that you do not have access to a resource.
I will follow up with you through a case to discuss your access issue further. Meanwhile, can you please help us with providing more details on the archived courses that you don't see such as the product name, screenshots, etc..? We recommend making sure that you are not sharing any personal data on screenshots.