
Attendance Risk vs Risk Index


Attendance Risk vs Risk Index

Are you able to to explain the difference?  I have students in the low At Risk that have a high Attendance Risk but their Risk index is low putting them in the low section.  How can we change this so that the index matches with attendance.


Thank you

1 Reply

Attendance risk is a sub group of a combination of various risk factors.  You have the ability to control these items and how they are calculated from the District Office.  If you have the correct user access and permissions, you can do this on your own. Because this is a general forum I will recommend you log into PowerSchool - District Office and then click on the Question Mark icon and select SYSTEM HELP. From there just type in Risk and then select "Set Up Risk Index Levels".  


District level administrators may edit an existing or create new risk index methods, which specify the risk index point percentage cutoff levels assigned for grades and attendance. The default risk index method settings described below may be changed and applied to one or many schools in the district.


Dan Morgan
Saint Mary's College High School - Berkeley, CA
PowerSchool Hosted - v 24.3 - 600 Students
PowerSchool User and Admin since 2000