We are a school district finishing our base year of Prov. 2. Our Child Nutrition program will not process F&R meal apps for at least the next 3years but we need to gather new F&R student data for LCFF funding purposes. Is there a plugin/partner that has an alternate income app/survey form, that will electronically process the survey results and record the F&R meal in PS without manual entry? What are other districts doing to collect this data? It would be nice to make this a required form parents need to complete. Any leads/info is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Hi @mwarren2828
In order to protect your privacy in the Community, we recommend reaching out to the Technical Support Contacts of your district who should be able to connect with the PowerSchool Support Team on your behalf. The Support Team would be able to gather more information and assist you further.
yes, A form that proved all information needed to keep funds going. Please help our children. This is our future.