
How To: Withdraw an Application


How do I withdraw an Application?



To withdraw an application, go to 'Submissions' > 'Application Status'. Click on the Withdraw button under the 'Withdraw Application' column for the relative posting.







You may wish to do this if you accept another job, are no longer interested in the job, or will re-submit your application with updated information. 


Note: If you are withdrawing in order to update your cover letter and/or list of references, make sure the posting is still active as you cannot re-apply to a closed posting.


Once you click on the Withdraw button you will get one of two pop up screens depending on the district that you are applying with.

Option 1: You will receive a 'Reason' drop down to select the reason for withdrawing. Select the 'Reason' that best fits and click 'Confirm


Screenshot illustrating " selecting reason for withdrawing"Screenshot illustrating " selecting reason for withdrawing"


Option 2: You will receive a warning that you are withdrawing from the position. After clicking 'Confirm' to withdraw you will need to reach out to the district to purge the application on their side to reapply for the role. 


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How do I withdraw an Application?



To withdraw an application, go to 'Submissions' > 'Application Status'. Click on the Withdraw button under the 'Withdraw Application' column for the relative posting.







You may wish to do this if you accept another job, are no longer interested in the job, or will re-submit your application with updated information. 


Note: If you are withdrawing in order to update your cover letter and/or list of references, make sure the posting is still active as you cannot re-apply to a closed posting.


Once you click on the Withdraw button you will get one of two pop up screens depending on the district that you are applying with.

Option 1: You will receive a 'Reason' drop down to select the reason for withdrawing. Select the 'Reason' that best fits and click 'Confirm


Screenshot illustrating " selecting reason for withdrawing"Screenshot illustrating " selecting reason for withdrawing"


Option 2: You will receive a warning that you are withdrawing from the position. After clicking 'Confirm' to withdraw you will need to reach out to the district to purge the application on their side to reapply for the role. 


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How do I withdraw an Application?



To withdraw an application, go to 'Submissions' > 'Application Status'. Click on the Withdraw button under the 'Withdraw Application' column for the relative posting.







You may wish to do this if you accept another job, are no longer interested in the job, or will re-submit your application with updated information. 


Note: If you are withdrawing in order to update your cover letter and/or list of references, make sure the posting is still active as you cannot re-apply to a closed posting.


Once you click on the Withdraw button you will get one of two pop up screens depending on the district that you are applying with.

Option 1: You will receive a 'Reason' drop down to select the reason for withdrawing. Select the 'Reason' that best fits and click 'Confirm


Screenshot illustrating " selecting reason for withdrawing"Screenshot illustrating " selecting reason for withdrawing"


Option 2: You will receive a warning that you are withdrawing from the position. After clicking 'Confirm' to withdraw you will need to reach out to the district to purge the application on their side to reapply for the role. 


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‎03-03-2025 08:05 AM
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