
How To: Apply to an Internal Position in Applicant Tracking Enterprise


Applicants can apply with a standard application or as an Internal/Transfer application.


To access the standard application:


  1. Apply through a district's job board.
    Please Note: See the link types below for an example to see what type of application you need to apply to.

  2. Pay attention to what shows next to the word Login to make sure you're on the right link.



  • The Company ID and ats# will be different depending on the district or consortium you apply to.


Job Board: 


Internal/Transfer Application:  






Standard Application:







You can update the app_login to trans_login in the URL to apply for a transfer or internal application.



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I am an internal candidate & cannot figure out how to set up an application & apply for Internal /Transfer Teaching Assistant jobs.


To the best of my knowledge, I do not have an existing resume on file with PowerSchool.

Hi @lgingerich100 


We would require more information to assist you further, to protect your data privacy we recommend submitting a support ticket. The PowerSchool Support Team should be able to take a closer look at your account and assist you further with the steps to setup an application

You can submit the support ticket here.


Applicants can apply with a standard application or as an Internal/Transfer application.


To access the standard application:


  1. Apply through a district's job board.
    Please Note: See the link types below for an example to see what type of application you need to apply to.

  2. Pay attention to what shows next to the word Login to make sure you're on the right link.



  • The Company ID and ats# will be different depending on the district or consortium you apply to.


Job Board: 


Internal/Transfer Application:  






Standard Application:







You can update the app_login to trans_login in the URL to apply for a transfer or internal application.



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Applicants can apply with a standard application or as an Internal/Transfer application.


To access the standard application:


  1. Apply through a district's job board.
    Please Note: See the link types below for an example to see what type of application you need to apply to.

  2. Pay attention to what shows next to the word Login to make sure you're on the right link.



  • The Company ID and ats# will be different depending on the district or consortium you apply to.


Job Board: 


Internal/Transfer Application:  






Standard Application:







You can update the app_login to trans_login in the URL to apply for a transfer or internal application.



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‎10-11-2024 06:03 AM
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