
ATE : Reference request related FAQ's


Scenario 1: 


Email address of reference is not being accepted while adding reference.


Resolution: If the email address of reference is not being accepted, please make sure the email is valid and active. There should not be any spaces or unwanted characters in the email address.


Scenario 2: 


Reference is not receiving the reference request link.


Resolution: If the reference is not receiving the link to submit a references request, have them check their Spam and junk folder in their email. Make sure it is not being blocked by a firewall. To resend a reference request, please Contact Support.


Please Note that if a reference request has already been submitted, It cannot be resent from the Support's end as well.


Scenario 3:
Reference says that they are unable to open the link.
Resolution: This is the most common and is often caused by the operating system the reference is using because the link does not turn into a hyperlink. You can tell the reference to copy and paste the link into the browser or try using a different browser to open/copy and paste the link into if they've already tried that. I would also include that it's best to open the link from a computer or laptop rather than a cell phone or PDA device.
Scenario 4:
Reference says they are unable to complete/submit the reference feedback form.
Resolution: If the reference is unable to complete the form, advise the reference to start at question one and then click on tab on the keyboard to go through the fields to make sure they are touching every question so they do not skip any. If the reference is saying they cannot submit the form, they are missing the drop down box at the bottom of the reference page. They will need to select "Submit Reference Feedback" and then sign their electronic signature. They will have to hit the Submit button and will receive a Success message if they have submitted it correctly.
Scenario 5:
Reference receives error/bad link when opening reference link.

Resolution: This may happen due to internal server issue and those reference links may not work. Please have the reference clear their cache of the browser and then try. If it still doesn't work, a new reference link needs to be sent to them. You will have to Contact Support in order to get a fresh link sent to the reference.


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Scenario 1: 


Email address of reference is not being accepted while adding reference.


Resolution: If the email address of reference is not being accepted, please make sure the email is valid and active. There should not be any spaces or unwanted characters in the email address.


Scenario 2: 


Reference is not receiving the reference request link.


Resolution: If the reference is not receiving the link to submit a references request, have them check their Spam and junk folder in their email. Make sure it is not being blocked by a firewall. To resend a reference request, please Contact Support.


Please Note that if a reference request has already been submitted, It cannot be resent from the Support's end as well.


Scenario 3:
Reference says that they are unable to open the link.
Resolution: This is the most common and is often caused by the operating system the reference is using because the link does not turn into a hyperlink. You can tell the reference to copy and paste the link into the browser or try using a different browser to open/copy and paste the link into if they've already tried that. I would also include that it's best to open the link from a computer or laptop rather than a cell phone or PDA device.
Scenario 4:
Reference says they are unable to complete/submit the reference feedback form.
Resolution: If the reference is unable to complete the form, advise the reference to start at question one and then click on tab on the keyboard to go through the fields to make sure they are touching every question so they do not skip any. If the reference is saying they cannot submit the form, they are missing the drop down box at the bottom of the reference page. They will need to select "Submit Reference Feedback" and then sign their electronic signature. They will have to hit the Submit button and will receive a Success message if they have submitted it correctly.
Scenario 5:
Reference receives error/bad link when opening reference link.

Resolution: This may happen due to internal server issue and those reference links may not work. Please have the reference clear their cache of the browser and then try. If it still doesn't work, a new reference link needs to be sent to them. You will have to Contact Support in order to get a fresh link sent to the reference.


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Scenario 1: 


Email address of reference is not being accepted while adding reference.


Resolution: If the email address of reference is not being accepted, please make sure the email is valid and active. There should not be any spaces or unwanted characters in the email address.


Scenario 2: 


Reference is not receiving the reference request link.


Resolution: If the reference is not receiving the link to submit a references request, have them check their Spam and junk folder in their email. Make sure it is not being blocked by a firewall. To resend a reference request, please Contact Support.


Please Note that if a reference request has already been submitted, It cannot be resent from the Support's end as well.


Scenario 3:
Reference says that they are unable to open the link.
Resolution: This is the most common and is often caused by the operating system the reference is using because the link does not turn into a hyperlink. You can tell the reference to copy and paste the link into the browser or try using a different browser to open/copy and paste the link into if they've already tried that. I would also include that it's best to open the link from a computer or laptop rather than a cell phone or PDA device.
Scenario 4:
Reference says they are unable to complete/submit the reference feedback form.
Resolution: If the reference is unable to complete the form, advise the reference to start at question one and then click on tab on the keyboard to go through the fields to make sure they are touching every question so they do not skip any. If the reference is saying they cannot submit the form, they are missing the drop down box at the bottom of the reference page. They will need to select "Submit Reference Feedback" and then sign their electronic signature. They will have to hit the Submit button and will receive a Success message if they have submitted it correctly.
Scenario 5:
Reference receives error/bad link when opening reference link.

Resolution: This may happen due to internal server issue and those reference links may not work. Please have the reference clear their cache of the browser and then try. If it still doesn't work, a new reference link needs to be sent to them. You will have to Contact Support in order to get a fresh link sent to the reference.


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Version history
Last update:
‎10-25-2023 05:10 PM
Updated by: