Release Notes: Permission Click Release 2024.01.18




Organization Information Change Restriction

The feature would add the ability for District Admins to restrict school staff from changing any information on “Edit Organization” page. The feature can be accessed by visiting the edit organization page under Admin dropdown. The feature can be turned on via a radio button placed at the bottom of the page. Once turned on, School staff would not be able to change anything i.e. icon, school name, address, time zone etc. Please note that this feature is only available for District Admins.




Archived Templates not appearing in Search.

Archived form templates were not appearing in search. The fix has been implemented and issue has been resolved.


User is logged out when Accessing Approval Workflow

User was logged out when trying to access approval workflow for a pending response in a process. The issue has been rectified.


Ticket Quantity still visible even if Limited Quantity Toggle is Off.

For forms with payments collection/tickets, the ticket quantity (on the parent side) was still being shown even if Limited Quantity toggle was off. The fix has been implemented.


Disabled District/School appearing in User Profile.

Disabled School/District continue to appear in a user profile linked to multiple schools. The issue has been rectified and disabled district/school would not appear unless they are reactivated..





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Organization Information Change Restriction

The feature would add the ability for District Admins to restrict school staff from changing any information on “Edit Organization” page. The feature can be accessed by visiting the edit organization page under Admin dropdown. The feature can be turned on via a radio button placed at the bottom of the page. Once turned on, School staff would not be able to change anything i.e. icon, school name, address, time zone etc. Please note that this feature is only available for District Admins.




Archived Templates not appearing in Search.

Archived form templates were not appearing in search. The fix has been implemented and issue has been resolved.


User is logged out when Accessing Approval Workflow

User was logged out when trying to access approval workflow for a pending response in a process. The issue has been rectified.


Ticket Quantity still visible even if Limited Quantity Toggle is Off.

For forms with payments collection/tickets, the ticket quantity (on the parent side) was still being shown even if Limited Quantity toggle was off. The fix has been implemented.


Disabled District/School appearing in User Profile.

Disabled School/District continue to appear in a user profile linked to multiple schools. The issue has been rectified and disabled district/school would not appear unless they are reactivated..





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Organization Information Change Restriction

The feature would add the ability for District Admins to restrict school staff from changing any information on “Edit Organization” page. The feature can be accessed by visiting the edit organization page under Admin dropdown. The feature can be turned on via a radio button placed at the bottom of the page. Once turned on, School staff would not be able to change anything i.e. icon, school name, address, time zone etc. Please note that this feature is only available for District Admins.




Archived Templates not appearing in Search.

Archived form templates were not appearing in search. The fix has been implemented and issue has been resolved.


User is logged out when Accessing Approval Workflow

User was logged out when trying to access approval workflow for a pending response in a process. The issue has been rectified.


Ticket Quantity still visible even if Limited Quantity Toggle is Off.

For forms with payments collection/tickets, the ticket quantity (on the parent side) was still being shown even if Limited Quantity toggle was off. The fix has been implemented.


Disabled District/School appearing in User Profile.

Disabled School/District continue to appear in a user profile linked to multiple schools. The issue has been rectified and disabled district/school would not appear unless they are reactivated..





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Version history
Last update:
‎05-31-2024 10:53 AM
Updated by:
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