
Issue with uploading files from Google Drive


Issue with uploading files from Google Drive

Students at my school have been experiencing issues turning in assignments in their schoology courses.

When students are trying to submit their assignment they click "Submit Assignment", click the Resources tab, go to apps, click "Add Resources", click "Add files from Google Drive", and it shows their google drive from which they should be able to select a file and upload it. However, when students double click on their assignment, it just loads forever and doesn't actually upload. 


Tried clearing the cache, reconnecting with Google Drive, still having this problem.

3 Replies

Is your school using the latest version of Google Drive LTI 1.3? There were some issues last summer with Schoology's own Google Drive app.


Dan Morgan
Saint Mary's College High School - Berkeley, CA
PowerSchool Hosted - v 24.3 - 600 Students
PowerSchool User and Admin since 2000

No, we don't use LTI. We use Google Drive Resource App.


Last Spring, Schoology indicated there were issues with the app following changes Google made to the API.  You might want to take a look at the two links below and reevaluate your school's workflow.


Schoology - Google Resource App Issues 


Changes to Google Drive Resource App - Schoology Discussion 

Dan Morgan
Saint Mary's College High School - Berkeley, CA
PowerSchool Hosted - v 24.3 - 600 Students
PowerSchool User and Admin since 2000