What is the Fee Structure for Non-Production Installation?
The addition or configuration of one or more new non-production instances shall incur a cost calculated by the formula $500+$250n where n is the number of additional servers that will be added to the customer’s Premier non-production instance/environment at the time of the service.
What is the Fee Structure for Non-Production Installation?
The addition or configuration of one or more new non-production instances shall incur a cost calculated by the formula $500+$250n where n is the number of additional servers that will be added to the customer’s Premier non-production instance/environment at the time of the service.
What is the Fee Structure for Non-Production Installation?
The addition or configuration of one or more new non-production instances shall incur a cost calculated by the formula $500+$250n where n is the number of additional servers that will be added to the customer’s Premier non-production instance/environment at the time of the service.