
Issue: Document Attachment Fails to Upload Document


A user attempts to upload a document but the document does not attach to the form.



Parent Form Responders 

Teacher Form Responders 

Administrative Form Responders



To upload the document: 

  1. Click the “Add Document” button 
  2. Click “Browse” 
  3. Select the file on your device to upload. 
  4. Click select/open. 
  5. Click “Upload” 

Ensure that the document is: 

  1. Less than 5MB in total size 
  2. Is of format:
    1. PDF 
    2. DOC 
    3. DOCX 
    4. RTF 
    5. JPG 
    6. JPEG 
    7. PNG

Still Not Working? 

For additional support, please connect with us via Support Chat or send us an email through the following link:


A user attempts to upload a document but the document does not attach to the form.



Parent Form Responders 

Teacher Form Responders 

Administrative Form Responders



To upload the document: 

  1. Click the “Add Document” button 
  2. Click “Browse” 
  3. Select the file on your device to upload. 
  4. Click select/open. 
  5. Click “Upload” 

Ensure that the document is: 

  1. Less than 5MB in total size 
  2. Is of format:
    1. PDF 
    2. DOC 
    3. DOCX 
    4. RTF 
    5. JPG 
    6. JPEG 
    7. PNG

Still Not Working? 

For additional support, please connect with us via Support Chat or send us an email through the following link:


A user attempts to upload a document but the document does not attach to the form.



Parent Form Responders 

Teacher Form Responders 

Administrative Form Responders



To upload the document: 

  1. Click the “Add Document” button 
  2. Click “Browse” 
  3. Select the file on your device to upload. 
  4. Click select/open. 
  5. Click “Upload” 

Ensure that the document is: 

  1. Less than 5MB in total size 
  2. Is of format:
    1. PDF 
    2. DOC 
    3. DOCX 
    4. RTF 
    5. JPG 
    6. JPEG 
    7. PNG

Still Not Working? 

For additional support, please connect with us via Support Chat or send us an email through the following link:

Version history
Last update:
‎07-15-2020 06:45 AM
Updated by:
Labels (2)