
Raise Alert When Enrolling kids in classes they've already taken


Raise Alert When Enrolling kids in classes they've already taken

Why doesn't PS have an alert in place when a school enrolls students in a class they may have already taken and passed?


A simple alert like the one below is all that's needed.


    Alert: 'This class (insert class name and # here) looks similar to a class (insert name and # here) the student already has a passing grade for. Please check before proceeding'



This software is used by schools and this is a common issue! When this mistake happens the people that suffer are the students who then have to wait to be switched out and lose time in the other class.

1 Reply
PowerSchool Team
PowerSchool Team

Hi @npassarelli,


Currently, an alert that shows when a school enrolls students in a class they may have already taken and passed is not built into the product.  You can add this as an enhancement request through the PowerSchool Ideas Portal, where users can submit their ideas directly to the Product team. It also allows you to review the idea for status updates as well as share the idea with other users to support it by voting.


To learn more about the Ideas Portal, we recommend reviewing the article on PowerSchool Ideas Portal FAQs


You should also be able to work with the technical contacts within your school district to see the possibilities for having custom alerts. 

PowerSchool Community Support Expert

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