
How to correct these build errors?

New Member

How to correct these build errors?

Error The Teacher Assignment file contains an invalid course. The teacher is XXX, the course is 3573.



Error Invalid related course found in the Course Link file. The course is 1003, the related course (invalid) is 1004.



Error Invalid course found in the Course Link file. The course is 1083.
6 Replies
PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

For all of these courses, the first thing I would check is that all the course settings are correct, in particular the one that says "schedule this course"


Gina Ciprotti



I am having the same issues.  I have checked and "schedule this course" is selected for all my courses.


PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

PowerScheduler sometimes requires a bit of sleuthing. As stated, make sure "Schedule this Course" is checked. Make sure the course is checked "on" in the Course Catalog. Make sure there are Teacher assignments, valid terms, valid start periods, valid day combinations (if applicable), etc. etc. I would be helpful to post pics of the Course Preferences tab if you could. 

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool



PowerSchool Champion
PowerSchool Champion

@apsaunders Those look all right at first glance. You can also try re-setting teacher assignments or re-associating the Term-see attached images.

Full Disclosure: I do not work for PowerSchool

Just a heads up that if you do not specify valid start period the classes can build in any period. Might not be an issue for your school but wanted to make you aware.


Not sure how much this will help but might be worth checking out to lead you to where the error is: