
Ends of access of Schoology Basic Teachers account


Ends of access of Schoology Basic Teachers account

Good morning, I have a basic account as a teacher since about 2016.

Today, when I logged in, a message appeared indicating that I will not be able to make any more use of the service as of October 2023 and that I must withdraw my materials before that date.

I would like to find out what I have to do to be able to continue using the service. It worries me especially since the school year in Argentina ends in December and I have several courses of active students. I do not want to use the option provided by Google.

During all these years, despite the pressure of the Institutions (which have been giving in to the monopolization of the offer) I have resisted going to Google Classroom since it does not allow inserting code for the creation of materials and generates much less attractive resources for students that Schoology.

It is very sad to see that the freedom of choice regarding the resources to be used for the classes cannot be exercised. As a music teacher Schoology allowed me to create materials with far more resources than other companies. much more complete than other companies.


Thank you and I look forward to your response.

2 Replies

I am in the exact same situation. I replied to their email several weeks ago with no reply, not sure what exactly we need to do to keep the account service, I won't mind paying but not sure what is the next step.

Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

@gupan and @SunvalleyBilingual 


After much consideration, we made the decision to end Schoology Basic to focus our energy on building innovative features and user experiences within Schoology Learning, our enterprise-level solution. 


If you have questions about this notification that are not answered in our FAQs (link below), please email


Please note, we are only taking questions from Teachers with Schoology Basic accounts. 

·         If you are an Enterprise user, please reach out to our support team directly. 

·         If you are a parent or student, please reach out to your teacher/course administrator. 


Please expect a response time of around 10 business days to your form submission. Should the inquiry be incomplete, the team will not be able to respond to the request. 


Link to the FAQs: 


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