Community Release Notes: October 25, 2023

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Community Release Notes: October 25, 2023

Community Support Expert



We have updated Customer Connect for Services to improve the readability. You will find the following updates: 


  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores will only be displayed if they are identified by PowerSchool to be visible.  
  • A pagination of 10 per page has been added to the Services tables.
  • Funding columns for Training and Consulting tables will display the values in the customer's currency.
  • Removed the 'Status' column from 'Projects Risks/Issues' since only open items are displayed.
  • Tooltip text has been added to Risk, Issues, Sentiment, and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT).
  • On the Training and 'Where to get more Services' tabs quick links, the text changed from 'Register for Exclusive Training' to 'Request to Schedule Exclusive Training' for the quick links. 

Learn more about Customer Connect for Technical Contacts