
What is the EPI/Candidate Assessment?

What is the EPI/Candidate Assessment?


The EPI (Educators Professional Inventory) is a candidate assessment used by some districts to assess applicants applying for positions. 


The EPI is not a pass or fail assessment. Each answer is scored based on the answer given and tabulated by the system for overall scores. These scores are only visible to the district. It is at the district's discretion to reveal those scores to the applicant. 

Please know that there is no score cut off. 


If you are taking the EPI please reserve 90 minutes of uninterrupted time with a good internet connection. If you are interrupted or lose connection while taking the EPI you will be timed out of the assessment. Upon your second timeout you will need to reach out to the district and request an EPI reset. The district will then reach out to our support team with the request. 


If you are asked to take the EPI you will receive an email stating this. You will also see the EPI request when logged into your candidate account. 






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Please kindly let me know how I can assess my EPI Assessment results 


How do I tell the school that I have already taken the EPI Assessment?

Good morning please,I need aplication a :Teacher - MS - 4/5/6, Dual Immersion (Anticipated Vacancy) but I can't log in and send my resume.

Thank you so much.


What is the EPI/Candidate Assessment?


The EPI (Educators Professional Inventory) is a candidate assessment used by some districts to assess applicants applying for positions. 


The EPI is not a pass or fail assessment. Each answer is scored based on the answer given and tabulated by the system for overall scores. These scores are only visible to the district. It is at the district's discretion to reveal those scores to the applicant. 

Please know that there is no score cut off. 


If you are taking the EPI please reserve 90 minutes of uninterrupted time with a good internet connection. If you are interrupted or lose connection while taking the EPI you will be timed out of the assessment. Upon your second timeout you will need to reach out to the district and request an EPI reset. The district will then reach out to our support team with the request. 


If you are asked to take the EPI you will receive an email stating this. You will also see the EPI request when logged into your candidate account. 






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What is the EPI/Candidate Assessment?


The EPI (Educators Professional Inventory) is a candidate assessment used by some districts to assess applicants applying for positions. 


The EPI is not a pass or fail assessment. Each answer is scored based on the answer given and tabulated by the system for overall scores. These scores are only visible to the district. It is at the district's discretion to reveal those scores to the applicant. 

Please know that there is no score cut off. 


If you are taking the EPI please reserve 90 minutes of uninterrupted time with a good internet connection. If you are interrupted or lose connection while taking the EPI you will be timed out of the assessment. Upon your second timeout you will need to reach out to the district and request an EPI reset. The district will then reach out to our support team with the request. 


If you are asked to take the EPI you will receive an email stating this. You will also see the EPI request when logged into your candidate account. 






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‎10-11-2024 02:18 PM
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