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The below section will only be visible when applying to a district specific site. You will not see this section in the National job board SchoolSpring.
You can update the attachments that you've submitted on your applications to the district by navigating to 'Submissions' and selecting 'Documents'.
This section houses the live current attachments that are visible to the district.
Things to know:
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The below section will only be visible when applying to a district specific site. You will not see this section in the National job board SchoolSpring.
You can update the attachments that you've submitted on your applications to the district by navigating to 'Submissions' and selecting 'Documents'.
This section houses the live current attachments that are visible to the district.
Things to know:
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The below section will only be visible when applying to a district specific site. You will not see this section in the National job board SchoolSpring.
You can update the attachments that you've submitted on your applications to the district by navigating to 'Submissions' and selecting 'Documents'.
This section houses the live current attachments that are visible to the district.
Things to know:
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