Q&A: Yes/No per Student Feature


What is Yes/No per student feature?


Yes/No per student is a feature that allows you to ask parents to indicate if their child is attending or not on the first page of the form.


It's available only on forms when the responder is set to "Parent for Child."


To collect permission from respondents for attendees on a form, scroll to the bottom of your form and toggle “This form requires a Yes or No Response for Permission” to on.




  • Please note that the default yes/no text can be customized.


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What is Yes/No per student feature?


Yes/No per student is a feature that allows you to ask parents to indicate if their child is attending or not on the first page of the form.


It's available only on forms when the responder is set to "Parent for Child."


To collect permission from respondents for attendees on a form, scroll to the bottom of your form and toggle “This form requires a Yes or No Response for Permission” to on.




  • Please note that the default yes/no text can be customized.


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What is Yes/No per student feature?


Yes/No per student is a feature that allows you to ask parents to indicate if their child is attending or not on the first page of the form.


It's available only on forms when the responder is set to "Parent for Child."


To collect permission from respondents for attendees on a form, scroll to the bottom of your form and toggle “This form requires a Yes or No Response for Permission” to on.




  • Please note that the default yes/no text can be customized.


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‎12-15-2023 10:18 AM
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